Ann looks so cute. She is due Sept. 22... almost time. She has a perfect little basket ball. Little baby's first shoes... A big package for a little boy.
Mary Gabriel threw Ann a baby shower for her and little boy. Thanks, Mary. You are such a good friend.
Uncle Father Drew came to visit Patrick. Patrick loved being held by his uncle. One day soon, Patrick will be bigger than his toy elephant.Patrick loves going on car rides. His mom loves him. He had a check up this week and the doctor is very pleased with the way little Patrick is growing.
He is 2 weeks old today...!!! He had his first bath today and, just like his pop, he loved the water. On the other hand, he didn't like getting dried off in front of the camera. He screemed his first words today as you can see in picture #3, "I am not a performing monkey!" We were impressed. He finally tuckered out and took a nap. Whew! He keeps us busy. - Mom and Pop Connolly
Patrick is now 13 days old. He can no longer boast 'newborn' status because he lost the stub of his umbellical cord this morning. Next he will be asking for the car keys. He is a good little eater and sleeper. He loves it when his pop reads to him.